Sunday, March 4, 2012

Consider it Brought

This has been a fantastic weekend for me overall.  Despite some minor setbacks at the house, I managed to get in 2 spectacular workouts.  After Thursday I did some research, and picked up a patella tendon brace to see if it would help out my knee while I'm working out until I see the Orthopedist on the 13th.  I cannot believe how much that little strap at the base of my knee helped!  I went to cycling class on Saturday and just had power throughout the whole hour, ended up soaked with sweat and feeling great.

Today was the standard Brookwood ride.  It was windy, but I had a lot of high hopes for a really strong ride.

I did say it was windy, right?  I don't mean "oh, there was a breeze out", I mean winds at 20mph+ !  It was enough to push the bike around, and make going into the wind rather painful.  That said we headed out in a rather large group (there were a dirty dozen of us) and faced the wind.  Right off the bat I knew this was going to be a better ride than normal, as the I had so much more power on the first hill.  Rob Dempsey was with us today as well, and he's such a strong rider that he definitely makes the ride more challenging.  I did manage to keep up with the pack a fair amount, and the few times where I was off the back I managed to catch up reasonably well.  I was happy that I'm learning how to recover while moving, so I can keep with the group a lot easier than before.  I didn't finish as strong as some weeks, but considering the winds we were dealing with it was a really great ride!

Tomorrow's challenge will be another trip to Paris Mountain!

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